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Playa del Mar Rules & Regulations


The following rules are designed to make living in our condominium pleasant and comfortable for everyone. In living together, each of us not only has certain rights but also certain obligations to other Owners and/or residents. We must remember that the restrictions we impose upon ourselves are for our mutual benefit and comfort.

The following Rules and Regulations do not supersede the Declaration of Condominium Documents or any other legal obligations of the Owners of the Playa del Mar Association, Inc. They are authorized by the Declaration of Condominium and have been reviewed by our legal counsel.

VIOLATIONS OF RULES AND REGULATIONS: Residents should report violations of the Rules and Regulations, misbehavior, nuisances, and questionable or suspicious actions to the Manager or, if his office is closed, to the Security Desk in the Main Lobby. Security personnel and / or the Manager, if in a position to personally observe infractions of the rules, may intercede.

Official response to Rules violations will be:

  • 1. Explanation of the Rule(s) involved and a written warning.
  • 2. If the offense is repeated, the action will be reported to the Board of Directors by the     Manager, and may result in legal action.
  • 3. Further infractions of the Rule will result in legal proceedings.

Notice of violations should be directed to Security or to the Manager and not to members of the Board of Directors or to Officers of the Association.

Violations serious enough to warrant Board action should be presented in writing to the Manager's Office. The names of those making the complaints will not be disclosed to those persons to whom the complaint refers, unless required by legal action.

If necessary, these Rules may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors, and notice of any such change or changes shall be given - in writing - to the Owners. Each unit Owner and/or Lessee must sign a form acknowledging acceptance and receipt of the Rules and Regulations.

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(This is a synopsis, detailed version in the Mgmt. Office)

A. An association member, or an association member's authorized representative, desiring to inspect or obtain copies of the Association's records shall submit a written request to the President of the Association or other person designated by the President. The request must specify the particular records which the association member or representative desires to inspect or obtain copies of, including pertinent dates or time periods. The request must he sufficiently detailed to allow the Association to retrieve the exact records requested.

B. Inspection or copying of records shall be limited to those records specifically requested.

C. No association member or authorized representative shall submit more than one written request for inspection or copying of records in a thirty (30) day period. No written request shall be submitted for the same records requested in a prior written request within the preceding twelve (12) months.

D. The association member or authorized representative requesting copies shall pay the reasonable expense of copying which expense shall not be less than the actual cost of copying, nor more than the highest rate allowed by law. Payment in advance of copying may be required. Until such other sum is duly adopted by the Board, copies shall be charged at $.25 per page.

E. No written request for inspection or copying shall be made in order to harass any association member, resident or Association agent, officer, director or employee.

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(DOC Chapter XIII as Amended 2-24-87)

The Playa del Mar Condominium is an Apartment residence. It is not to be used as a motel or hotel or for any other transient or commercial purpose. In order to provide for a congenial occupancy of the building and security of the residents, the use of the property shall be restricted to and will be in accordance with the following provisions:

Single-Family Residences: The apartment units of Playa del Mar Condominium shall be limited to use by immediate members of a single family. No apartment unit shall be utilized by more than the members of a single family unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.

If title vests in any entity other than a natural person or persons or in multiple families, then such entity or multiple families shall designate in writing the single family to occupy the apartment unit; and Association approval of said designee shall be subject to the same Rules, Regulations, and requirements regarding qualification for occupancy as apply to prospective tenants seeking approval for occupancy. Once a designee is so approved, such designation may be changed only once in any 12 month period.

Occupancy Level: The number of residents who shall be permitted to occupy an apartment unit in Playa del Mar Condominium is:

  • (A) One Bedroom - Three Persons
  • (B) Two Bedrooms (One-Bedroom Convertible)- Four Persons
  • (C) Three Bedrooms (Two-Bedroom Convertible)- Six Persons.

The maximum number of residents permitted in each apartment unit must be adhered to in accordance with the restrictions set forth above. However, occasional overnight guests and members of the immediate family will be permitted not to exceed two persons above occupancy level. "Occasional" shall be deemed to mean a period not exceeding seven consecutive days.

Classification of Residents: Residents shall be comprised of four classifications:
    (1) Owners
    (2) Lessees
    (3) Spouses of Owners or Lessees
    (4) Members of the immediate family - Immediate family consists of the residents' parents,      sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, grandchildren, and a single person living with an      Owner or Lessee - any of whom may be accompanied by their respective spouses and children.

Residents may designate members of their family as guest occupants of their apartments in their absence so long as the occupancy levels referred to previously are respected. The use of an apartment by a resident's immediate family in the resident's absence will necessitate the resident notifying the Manager in writing (on a form available from the Manager's Office) at least one week prior to the intended arrival of the immediate family - giving their names, relationship, and approximate length of stay - stating also that these guests are not tenants and are not paying rent or any other consideration for the use of the apartment.

Visitors or overnight guests, other than immediate family (as described above) with proper identification, will be permitted only while the Owner or Lessee is in residence in the apartment.

Under no circumstances will overnight guests be permitted in an apartment in the absence of the resident of the apartment whether or not the number of overnight guests would be within the permitted occupancy levels.

No person likely to interfere with the safety, welfare, or health of other residents shall be accepted as an occupant in the leasing or purchase of an apartment.

All guests must abide by the same Rules and Regulations of the Condominium in effect for the residents, and the residents should advise their guests that their stay will be terminated if any of the Rules and Regulations are violated. The Owner will be liable to the Association for any attorney fees and costs which may be incurred in enforcing these Rules against a resident or his guests.

* Registration Required:     Only residents are not required to register at the Security Desk located in the main lobby of the Playa del Mar Condominium. All others must register - giving their names, date and time of arrival. Registration must also show who is sponsoring each guest. The Security Desk must announce the guests presence to their hosts before they will be admitted to the elevators.

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(DOC Chapter XVI)

The use of COMMON PROPERTY and LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY by the Owner or Owners of all apartments, lessees and all other parties authorized to use the same, shall be at all times subject to such reasonable Rules and Regulations as may be prescribed and established governing such use or which may be hereafter prescribed and established by the Association.

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No immoral, improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of any apartment, balconies, or of the COMMON PROPERTY, or of the LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY (the latter -defined as all separate and designated parking spaces); and all laws, zoning ordinances, and regulations of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction of Playa del Mar Condominium shall be observed. No Owner, Lessee, guests, or other occupants of any apartment shall permit or suffer anything to be done or kept in any apartment or on the COMMON PROPERTY or the LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY which will increase the rate of insurance on Playa del Mar Condominium or which will create, or constitute a nuisance, or obstruct or interfere with the rights of any other occupants of the building, or annoy them by unreasonable noises, or which interferes with the peaceful possession and proper use of any other apartment, or the COMMON PROPERTY, or the LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY.

New, TILE / MARBLE / GRANITE / STONE / WOOD FLOORING must be installed with proper soundproofing material and documentation of the installation must be provided to the Management office prior to the installation.

PLAYA DEL MAR IS A SMOKE FREE BUILDING: Smoking is prohibited in all interior common areas - except designated EMPLOYEE smoking areas (Law - State of Florida).

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NO DOGS   -  Owners, Lessees, members of the immediate family, guests, or visitors are NOT permitted to bring any DOGS onto or in the premises of Playa del Mar Condominium. Owners of any apartment unit and their immediate family are permitted to bring pet animals ("Pets") onto the premises of Playa del Mar Condominium, with the exception of dogs, but only upon the conditions set forth in this regulation. Lessees and visitors other than immediate family members of Owners are NOT permitted to bring any Pet onto the premises of Playa del Mar at any time, and each lease of any apartment unit shall specify that no lessee or visitor may bring any pet into the leased apartment unit, as a condition of approval of the lease.

1. Pets must be the following domesticated animals generally accepted as such: cats, fish (in aquariums), birds (which must be caged), amphibians and reptiles (which must be kept in appropriate cages or terrariums), hamsters and gerbils (which also must be caged).
NO other types of animals shall be considered Pets and shall be permitted upon the premises of Playa del Mar Condominium at any time.
2. Large pets (those exceeding 20 pounds) are not permitted at any time. No pet may exceed 20 pounds in weight.
3. All Pets shall be properly cared for, fed and watered and wastes removed on a regular basis. Any failure to adhere to this policy shall be deemed to constitute a nuisance per se and shall be abated as a nuisance.
4. Any obvious violation of this regulation, such as loudly screeching birds, foul odors or abandoned Pets shall be treated as an emergency situation, giving rise to a right of entry into the affected apartment pursuant to Rule "RIGHT OF ENTRY INTO APARTMENT IN EMERGENCIES" of these Rules and Regulations.

This regulation is expressly subject and subordinate to the regulation regarding restrictions against nuisances( see PLAYA DEL MAR CONDOMINIUM TO BE USED FOR LAWFUL PURPOSES, RESTRICTION AGAINST NUISANCES, ETC.).. If any Pet, or the conditions under which any Pet is maintained (for example failure to control noise or to remove odorous wastes), creates unreasonable noise, any offensive odor or other condition which interferes with the use and enjoyment of the Playa del Mar Condominium by any other resident, then upon complaint by such resident, the management shall investigate and shall take such steps as are necessary to abate such nuisance, including requiring removal of the offending Pet or Pets and Pet conditions. Without limitation of the foregoing, noisy pets shall be considered a nuisance per se and shall not be permitted to remain in the Playa del Mar if the noise cannot be abated by the Owner.

NO PETS are permitted in the main lobby, lounges, library, pool or deck area, promenade, beach, outside driveways or parking areas. NO PETS are permitted on any balconies. No pet may be allowed to roam freely at any time, and ALL Pets must be properly leashed or caged and carried when outside the Owner's apartment unit in all portions of the Building. Dogs must be curbed and must be exercised OFF THE PREMISES of Playa del Mar Condominium. For purposes of this regulation, the Premises includes the beach area. Pets are not permitted to use the passenger elevators (except in the North and South wings).The service elevator must be used, except when the service elevator is being used for moving or deliveries.

EXCEPTION - There is one exception: For dogs residing in apartments at Playa del Mar prior to August 12, 1992, these dogs are to be considered as "grandfathered" into acceptable ownership status through their natural life spans. They are not to be replaced. Such dogs are to be subject to the Condominium Rules specified above. "Grandfathered" dogs must have been registered with the Manager's Office by November 1, 1992, and owner must have appropriate documentation. "Grandfathered" dogs must meet certain health qualifications, i.e. a veterinarian's certification that the pet has received all required immunization shots and a certificate of age and identity. Current residents with grandfathered dogs must submit photographs of their dog (1) face and (1) full profile.


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No one is permitted to use the COMMON or LIMITED COMMON areas except for the purpose for which they are intended - specifically running, ball playing, and other forms of play, except as specifically provided for by the nature and use of the various rooms and COMMON areas. ROLLER SKATING,IN-LINE SKATING,BICYCLE RIDING and SKATEBOARDING are prohibited anywhere in the building or on Playa del Mar property.

All persons must wear footwear at all times except in the pool and beach areas. Children should be attired in the same manner and conform to the same Rules as adults and shall be properly supervised.

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Children under six years of age must be accompanied outside their apartment at all times by an Owner/the Lessee or a responsible adult. Such children must be supervised at all times while in the Recreational areas, lobby, hallways, and community rooms.

Children must wear footwear at all times except at the pool, promenade/sun deck, or beach.

Under no circumstances will children be allowed to congregate or run and play in the public rooms, corridors, elevators, stairways, recreational areas, or parking garages.

Owners are financially responsible for any damage caused by their children or guests.

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Owners, Lessees, and their children - including guests and visitors and their children - shall not mark, mar, damage, destroy, or remove any part of the building, its equipment or furnishings, including all outside or promenade deck furnishings. The responsible Owners shall pay the cost of restoring the area or property affected, and such replacement or restoration must be to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors.

Owners are further charged with the responsibility for any violation of the Rules and Regulations by any of their Lessees, guests, immediate family or visitors. It is, therefore, the Owner's responsibility to know that the above are fully acquainted with the Rules and Regulations.

ALL new Water Filters must be installed with copper piping and metal fittings.

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In the event a unit Owner plans to sell or lease an apartment, said unit Owner shall obtain detailed procedure forms from the Manager's Office. It is mandatory that the instructions set forth in these forms be complied with in order to sell or lease an apartment. No apartment may ever be rented without the use of the lease form which has been approved by the Board of Directors. No apartment shall be leased during the first year from the closing date of the sale of said apartment. Apartment leases must be for a minimum period of one year and up to a maximum of two years. All applicants for purchase, lease, or lease renewal of an apartment MUST be interviewed personally by the Admissions Committee. Lessees are not granted the right nor the privilege of subleasing.

Pets are not permitted in the leasing of an apartment (see PETS).

Owners, Realtors, Agents, etc. are not allowed to use Lockboxes in connection with any sale or lease at Playa del Mar.

Article XXVII of the Declaration of Condominium gives the Playa del Mar Association the Right of First Refusal to purchase or lease an apartment. In the event a Lessor leases an apartment with an option to purchase same, said Lessee is required to be further approved for purchase by the Board of Directors at the time of such purchase. No member of the Playa del Mar staff is permitted to participate in the sale or lease of an apartment. Any COMMON PROPERTY or additional LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY (parking spaces) may be leased to an Owner or Lessee of any apartment in Playa del Mar and then only to the extent of any such ownership or lease. A record of said lease must be made of record with the Association. The Association reserves the Right of First Refusal of all such sales and leases as it does with apartments. However, there shall always be one parking space and one storage space affiliated with each apartment.

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1. All applicants are to be informed that the Association will require a screening application, which will include information deemed necessary for residency at Playa del Mar.

2. The application is to be filled out completely; otherwise, it will not be processed. Particular note should be made of the regulation governing occupancy of apartments. The names and ages of all members of the prospective Owners' or Lessees' families must be shown as well as the following information.
    A. Current address and length of residency
    B. Previous address and length of residency over the preceding three years
    C. The foregoing must include names and telephone numbers
    D. The apartment Owner shall provide the Association with a copy of the complete purchase          contract or Lease Agreement.

3. The application must be returned to the Manager's Office with a copy of the completed purchase contract or Lease Agreement accompanied with a check in the amount of $100 as the clearance fee (cash will NOT be accepted).

4. When all information on the application has been received by the Management Office, the prospective purchasers or Lessees will be scheduled for an interview with the Admissions Committee. All adult residents who will permanently occupy the apartment must be present at such interview. Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Board of Directors.

5. After the interview with the Admissions Committee has been completed, the Committee will make its recommendation to the Board of Directors. The applicant will be notified of the decision of the Board within 15 days. Exact adherence to these Rules will expedite the application process.

6. The Manager's Office will be very pleased to answer all questions pertaining to the Admissions application and will assist in every way possible to expedite its processing. The Board of Directors and/or the Admissions Committee are not to be contacted directly concerning the application.

7. Each new Lessee shall be required to provide the Association with a security deposit in the amount equal to one month's rent as an attachment to the Lease Agreement - which deposit shall be returned to the Lessee within 15 days after Lessee vacates the apartment -less any costs of expenses incurred by the ASSOCIATION for damage to COMMON PROPERTY attributed to the Lessee and set forth in writing within said 15-day period.

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Special DOM security locks have been installed for our safety. These keys cannot be duplicated. They should be kept on the person at all times and not left where they can be picked up by others. Particular caution should be exercised when on the beach.

Additional keys or replacement of lost keys can be obtained from the office upon deposit of $100 per key - which deposit will be returned only upon return of the same numbered key.

The original issue of keys must be returned to the office upon termination of residence. A charge of $100 shall be assessed against the Owner for each key that is not returned.

The beach gate and all COMMON AREA doors must be closed so as to enable activation of the automatic lock after entering or exiting. Propping these doors and the gate open or allowing unknown persons to enter is strictly prohibited.

Ground-floor fire exit doors are connected to a central alarm and are to be used for emergencies only.

Do not use the elevators in case of fire.

Instructions and procedures for emergencies and apartment security are available at the Manager's Office. Garage door openers must be returned to the office upon termination of residency. This is a responsibility of the Owners.

For protection of personnel and property, a "Five Mile Per Hour" speed limit must be respected by all vehicles entering, exiting, or otherwise traveling over condominium property including ramps, front deck, and garages. Vehicles must not encroach upon walkways.

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Even for absences of short duration, for the resident's own protection, the Manager should be notified of departure and planned return dates. For an extended absence, the Manager must be informed in writing if the apartment is to be serviced in any way during the resident's absence including the name of the service company and what services are expected.

Inform the Manager in writing as to what arrangements have been made with reference to mail, parcel, and other deliveries. Playa del Mar Association and its employees will not be responsible for any loss or damages resulting from the resident's authorized admission to resident's apartment. Any and all furnishings must be removed from balconies during any absence during hurricane season, and any extended absence of longer than two (2) weeks.

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The general personal safety and health of all and the prevention of loss and damage to contents due to insect infestation, fire, water-line breakage, or emergency requires that a key for each lock for each apartment and air- conditioning room (if locked) be deposited with the Manager. The Board of Directors of the ASSOCIATION for entry in relief of the above, or any other person authorized by it, shall have the right to enter such apartment for the purpose of remedying or abating the cause of such emergency, and such right of entry shall be immediate.

Failure to provide such a key makes an apartment Owner (and/or Lessee) totally responsible and liable for resulting injuries, loss of life, or property damage. Further, PLAYA DEL MAR ASSOCIATION will not be responsible for loss or damage resulting from entry in the event that emergency access is required.

Keys deposited with the Manager will only be surrendered to guests, service or domestic personnel, when directed, in writing, to do so by the owner. Further, PLAYA DEL MAR ASSOCIATION will not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from surrendering said keys.

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Apartment doors opening on hall corridors must be kept closed at all times to conform to Fire Department Regulations and so as not to interfere with hall and corridor air conditioning. Furthermore, apartment doors opening into hall corridors may not be modified for ventilation purposes as this modification would permit entry of smoke or gases in the event of fire; this practice is strictly against Fire Department Regulations.

Passages, balconies, elevators, staircases, corridors, and common elements must not be obstructed in any manner. For the sake of uniformity and/or public safety, rugs, mats, plants (real or artificial), pictures, plaques, shelves, tables, etc. may not be placed outside doors in hallways, corridors, or walkways. Temporary seasonal decorations on entrance doors are excepted providing ordinary safety and Fire Department Regulations are respected. It is not permissible to drape or hang anything from windows, balconies, or walkways which would be visible from the outside.

NO carpeting is permitted to be installed on walkways or balconies. Tiling and waterproofing of balconies must comply with Playa del Mar specifications.

Catwalks are provided for use in emergencies such as fires for provision of routine maintenance services such as window washing and for access to apartments when the elevators are out of service; otherwise, they are off limits.

No shaking of rugs, mops, tablecloths, etc. from windows, balconies, or catwalks is permitted. Clotheslines or drying racks of any description are not to be employed other than within the apartment for any purpose of airing or drying clothes, bathing suits, or other apparel or furnishings. Throwing any kind of objects, cigars, cigarettes, etc. or sweeping dirt or water from balconies is not permitted (Ordinance C-69-85, Section 21-15.1 - City of Fort Lauderdale).

Abusive or foul language in any of the common areas is prohibited. Waterproof containers must be used for all potted plants. No painting of balcony walls, railings, ceilings, or doors will be permitted. No alterations to outside apartment walls, windows, catwalks, or balconies (excepting hurricane shutters for which proper permits have been previously acquired and approved by Playa del Mar Association) are permitted. Smoke-(platinum) tinted plastics on inside of windows is permitted; however, the use of mylar- type foil or aluminum foil is not permitted. To alter the outside appearance of any windows in any apartment (except inside draperies and drapery material), approval of the Board of Directors is required.- Cooking of any sort on balconies by whatever means is strictly prohibited.

To control food odors in halls and corridors, kitchen doors must be closed; and the electric-range exhaust fan must be used when cooking.

No advertising, commercial or otherwise, shall be permitted anywhere in the building except on the bulletin boards specifically provided for that purpose (non-commercial only).

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16. ROOF

The roof - a part of the COMMON AREA - is off limits to all residents, guests, and visitors. The roof area is restricted to essential building maintenance and service personnel.

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Trash chutes are ONLY to be used between the hours of 8 A.M. - 9 P.M.
Recycle bins on each floor must be used to dispose of items designated for recycling.
All trash and refuse, which the kitchen sink will not process, must be securely bagged and tied in heavy plastic bags and placed in trash chutes.
All cartons must be disassembled and flattened and taken to the ground- level trash rooms.
Do not shake in, or empty, dust cloths, mops, vacuum-cleaner bags, etc., down the chutes in the trash rooms.
Do not force any over-size items into the trash-chute.
Do not place any hangers, carpet, etc. in the trash chute.
Cigar and cigarette butts must be fully extinguished before bagging.
Any volatile waste or rags must be removed from the building and disposed of properly.

Contractor waste is NOT allowed to be disposed of in the trash chutes or in the trash rooms at Playa del Mar, contractors and delivery persons must take all types trash items with them.

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No apartment Owner, guest, or any personnel shall be permitted (directly or indirectly) to solicit the sale or rental of services, goods, wares, merchandise, real estate, or apartment units within the public areas or on the bulletin boards without the Manager's permission. Conducting of any business (directly or indirectly) by an apartment Owner, guest of an Owner Lessee, or any other person is strictly prohibited within such public areas or facilities. This provision is intended to prohibit a unit Owner, Lessee, or any other person from soliciting on the condominium property for the collection of funds for organizations or selling goods and newspapers and/or magazine subscriptions.

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An adequate and reasonable security staff with supplemental devices has been established for the general safety and security of the residents in the Playa del Mar Condominium. Security personnel have the responsibility and the authority for the enforcement of our Rules and Regulations. All persons must comply with their requests or risk any sanctions ordered by the Board of Directors. Guests who do not abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Association may be asked to leave the area.

Residents should report any violations of these Rules and Regulations, misbehavior, nuisances, and other questionable or suspicious actions or conditions to the Manager or, if the office is closed, to the Security Desk in the main lobby. Serious violations requiring Board action must be reported in writing to the Manager's office.

If and when a security guard finds it necessary to call someone's attention to an infraction of the Rules and Regulations, please remember that it is his/her duty to do so.

Telephones at the security desks must be kept free for staff use at all times. Personal calls are not permitted.

Security guards should not be called upon to leave their posts to unlock doors, assist in carrying packages, or to perform other personal services.

No one is allowed to enter into areas reserved for security guards unless approval is first obtained from the guard. Everyone is expected to cooperate fully with them in enforcing the Rules.

There shall be no loitering in the security desk area of the lobby. This area is only for guests or others waiting for security clearance and for owners and residents who are waiting for transportation (for periods of ten (10) minutes or less) to depart from the premises. Of course, owners or residents may pass through this area as necessary while exiting or entering the building. The presence of others in this area can serve to distract security personnel and create congestion.

In the interest of better management, Owners, Lessees, guests, and personnel of Playa del Mar should conduct their business at the security desks as expeditiously as possible - thus providing time for the guards to carry out their legitimate functions. Loitering in these areas is to be avoided.

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All goods and packages of every description (including food, flowers, and other perishables) must be delivered through the receiving room, which is only a short term storage area, in the lower-level garage area of the building. Playa del Mar Association will not be responsible for any type loss or damage to such property. Residents will be notified that merchandise and/or packages are being held for them in the receiving room. It shall be the resident's responsibility to see that the delivered items are picked up immediately.

Residents must notify the Manager's Office in advance of any significant delivery or move in / move out. The elevator must be reserved accordingly. A $150.00 deposit is required for the elevator when the reservation is made.

Moving furniture and/or personal belongings in and out of the building is restricted to the hours of
8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Mondays through Fridays. Unloading of vans or trucks should not be initiated after 3:30 P.M. unless it can be terminated by 5 P.M.

Single deliveries that do not require locking off or holding the elevators may also be performed during the hours of 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. on Saturday.


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All domestic and service personnel must be cleared through lower-garage security guards. They must be identified, signed in (and out), and must be announced to the resident before being allowed to enter the elevator. All domestic and service personnel will use the freight elevator if the unit is in the main tower.

Except for emergency repairs, service personnel will be admitted only between the hours of 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. daily and 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. on Saturdays. Service vehicles are to be parked on the designated lower north deck area.

No admittance will be granted on Sundays and legal holidays except in cases of emergency.

Owners and/or Lessees must supply their apartment keys to domestic or service personnel whom they have properly requested to be admitted to the apartment in their absence. Owners and/or Lessees will be responsible for any loss or damages caused by their domestic or service personnel.

Contractor waste is NOT allowed to be disposed of in the trash chutes or in the trash rooms at Playa del Mar, contractors, service and delivery persons must take all types trash items with them.

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All requests for service must be made to the Manager's Office in writing. Maintenance personnel have been instructed not to accept verbal requests for service other than through the Manager's Office. There will be no deviation from this procedure. Our maintenance personnel are primarily retained for maintaining COMMON and LIMITED PROPERTY areas. If a resident needs special maintenance assistance, the Manager will make available a list of recommended service companies for the resident's consideration. Maintenance personnel are required to carry out their daily assignments without interruption. They are not permitted to carry packages or perform other personal services without the Manager's specific approval. Our maintenance staff (with the prior approval of the Manager) may be used for providing needed services in an apartment for which the occupant will be duly charged. Owners and/or Lessees will be responsible for any loss or damages caused by their maintenance, domestic or service personnel.

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No one shall appear in or use the main lobby, recreation rooms in any attire other than proper street clothing. Footwear must be worn at all times when residents and their guests are outside their apartments. Bare feet will not be permitted at any time in any undercover areas including the garages. In no case will wet bathing suits be tolerated other than at the pool and beach areas or to and from these areas to individual apartments.

Since the mail room is situated just off the lobby, cabana wear and beachwear - properly covered, dry, and presentable - may be worn to obtain mail from the mail room.

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Only passenger-type vehicles bearing current license plates and in good operable condition are permitted to park in garage parking spaces and in the outside parking spaces. No vehicles in any description of disrepair are allowed anywhere on the premises. Flat tires must be repaired immediately. All vehicles must be parked "head in" with the exception of service vehicles parked with special permission. Vehicles belonging to employee and domestic personnel are to be parked on the upper north deck.

Excepting those for service, all other vehicles located on the premises are to be for personal use only and of non-commercial nature. No vans(except mini- vans), trailers, boats on trailers, motor homes, motorcycles or motorbikes, campers or recreational vehicles are permitted to park on the premises except as hereinafter provided. Cargo trailers may be parked in or near the lower- level garage for limited periods of loading or unloading providing arrangements have been made in advance with the Manager or the Security Chief. Vans which do not exceed a height of 6' or a length of 18' and which have received the prior approval of the Manager may be parked in assigned undercover parking spaces. No vehicles with illegal/noisy mufflers are allowed on the property.

All vehicles must be properly identified to be allowed to park in garages. No vehicle will be allowed to park in garages in LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY parking spaces without proper identification decals or vehicle identification cards. There are no exceptions. This is a security measure designed to protect Owners, Lessees, and their guests.

An identification decal bearing the number of the parking space shall be issued for each vehicle in each parking space. Before issuance of an identification decal to the Owner or Lessee of a parking space, the Owner or Lessee shall make of record in the Association office the name of the Owner of said space, the apartment number, and the telephone number of said person authorized to occupy said space. These decals shall be permanently affixed to the left-hand side of the front bumper for cars parking in the lower garage and on the right-hand side of the rear bumper for cars parking in the upper garages. Otherwise, they must be affixed in full view on corresponding areas of the window whenever possible.

A different decal is issued for "second" or additional vehicles of an Owner or Lessee. Such vehicles may not be parked in spaces marked "guests", but instead they may be parked on the upper exterior north deck. The above rules apply to temporary identification cards as well. Temporary identification cards shall be placed on top of the dashboard - face up on the right-hand side of the vehicle. Temporary identification cards are issued primarily for leased cars.

No "For Sale" or "For Lease" or any other type of advertising shall be permitted on any vehicles located on the premises (except for service vehicles). All advertising for the sale of any vehicle or any other personal property shall be confined to the bulletin board in the garage-level area which advertisements must be approved by the building Manager prior to being placed on the bulletin board.

Each apartment Owner or Lessee has the right to park in his/her assigned space(s). No apartment Owner or Lessee may park in those spaces designated for "Guests Only." An apartment Owner may give permission to a tenant to park in the assigned parking space(s) of that apartment Owner. In the event a tenant is to use assigned space(s) for more than two days, the apartment Owner must file a written statement with the Association stating the name of the apartment Owner giving permission, the name of the person to whom permission is given, the license number and make of that person's car, and the length of time for which such permission is granted. The staff will issue a temporary permit indicating the time of use and parking space which permit must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle.

At no time shall an apartment Owner's or Lessee's car occupy more than the Apartment Owner's or Lessee's assigned parking space(s). Parking over the boundary line of any parking space(s) is prohibited. If an apartment Owner, his/her family, or his/her Lessee owns more cars than his/her assigned spaces, then the apartment Owner, his/her family, or tenants must park the extra automobile on the outside north deck of the parking facility. As an alternative, a resident is allowed to rent a garage space when available from an Owner or Lessee; such notices are placed on the lower-garage bulletin board.

No parking spaces may be sold, rented, or leased to a non-resident of Playa del Mar. Major vehicle repairs (including oil changes, radiator flushing or charging batteries using common area electricity) are not permitted on COMMON PROPERTY or LIMITED COMMON PROPERTY. Owners are responsible for any fluid leakage under their vehicle (s). Walking on the painted walkways is recommended where possible.

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The following are the guidelines according to which residents are permitted to wash/wax their cars in the common areas of the garages.

Absolutely, no car waxing in the two designated car-wash areas in the lower garage.
Only licensed and insured car wash/wax services are allowed to perform these services for Playa del Mar residents on the property.
Car washing/waxing is limited to residents' cars only.
Waxing can only be done in the resident's garage parking space of car being waxed. Parking space must be left clean - all litter must be picked up.
Any type treatment applied tires/wheels must be applied by rag and not excessive to leave any residue on the floor.
Anyone washing/waxing a car in any area must clean up any litter, liquid soap/chemicals from the entire area utilized.
Security is in charge of enforcing the rules and is responsible to report violations by anyone using the facilities.
Any damage by any person washing or waxing a car will have to be paid by the car washer or by the car owner/resident.
The Board reserves the right to prevent the car wash/wax services from working or coming on the property at any time or to change these Rules and Regulations at any time.
Smoking is prohibited in the garages and car wash areas.

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Bicycles of Owner and Lessee residents must be kept in the bicycle rack only in the lower-level garage when not in use. It is recommended that they be chained and locked to the rack. It is not permitted to transport bicycles to residents' apartments on elevators or stairways nor to store them in apartments.

All bicycles must be registered with Lobby Security on weekdays during business hours. This registration must be renewed annually.

It is strictly prohibited to ride bicycles in the garage or anywhere on the premises.

Playa del Mar Association will not be responsible for theft or damage to all or any part of an Owner's or Lessee's bicycle while on the property.

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There shall be grocery carts kept in the north wing lobby-level garage, south wing lobby-level garage, and in the lower-level garage. There shall be clothes/luggage carriers kept in the lower-level garage, the clothes/luggage carriers must be signed out with and returned to the security guard. It is recommended that residents returning to Playa del Mar by taxi or car with heavy luggage aboard direct their driver to the lower garage where there is easy access to carts for carrying luggage.

No luggage cart or other conveyance is to be brought to the lobby/security desk entrance for pickup or unloading of luggage or other items.

All residents must return all carts and carriers to their respective storage spaces immediately after use. This does not mean merely to put them on an elevator and then program the elevator to return them to the lobby or lower- level floors.

If a resident does not return carts to their respective storage points, the resident is respectfully requested not to use the carts or carriers. It is especially important that residents not leave these carts in their apartments overnight. They represent COMMON PROPERTY and were purchased for the use of all residents; and everyone is entitled to use them.

The service elevator is to be used by apartment residents in the main tower building for all wheeled vehicles, packaged groceries, grocery and clothes/luggage carriers, etc. The passenger elevators may only be used for wheeled vehicles when the service elevator is out of order.

Wheelchairs may be used in either service or passenger elevators.

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The lounges are for the sole use of all Owners and Lessees subject to the following: The Social Committee may schedule social events - open to all residents and their guests - limited, however, to the capacity of the facility. No parties or events may be scheduled which are for the benefit or pleasure of any outside group or organization.

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1. Owners or Lessees must request a private party date in writing to the Manager so as to not conflict with other resident requests for the use of the room. In addition, the Owner or Lessee must complete the "use" contract (see back of book) available in the Manager's Office.
2. Private parties will be held only in the Ocean Lounge and may not be extended to the Library. Time is limited to 1 A.M. of the following morning.
3. A deposit of $250 shall be made at the time of submitting the reservation form - which deposit shall be returned subject to a deduction (if necessary) for cost of any damage or repair plus the following: a charge will be imposed for professional cleaning if deemed necessary by the Manager; leftover food, drinks, etc. must be disposed of immediately after the party by the host.
4. The Manager or his representative will inspect the Ocean Lounge before and after the private party to determine the condition of the premises and any possible damages that might have been incurred during the party. If damage has occurred the Manager will report it to the President of the Board in writing. The President or Manager will decide the extent of the damage and the cost to repair - which cost shall be assessed against the host or against the Owner of the host's apartment in the event the host fails to pay.
5. An alphabetized guest list must be furnished to Lobby Security - not less than 24 hours prior to the affair.
6. All social affairs must be limited to the legal capacity (176) of the Ocean Lounge.
7. No beverages or food will be allowed outside of the Ocean Lounge.
8. No Owner or Lessee will be allowed to have more than one private party in the Lounge during any three month period.
9. The Association and its Board of Directors shall not be responsible for any liabilities which may arise in relation to any party which is held in the Ocean Lounge including social events sponsored by any social committee.
10. No smoking is allowed in the building.

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Each 16-story wing has one high-speed passenger elevator to service residents. The tower section has two high-speed elevators and one freight elevator in the west (lobby) end and one high-speed passenger elevator in the east end of the building. In the tower, service personnel and employees of moving companies should use the freight elevator. Residents or guests in the tower section, desirous of transportation to the lobby or to any other floor, will use either of the two high-speed passenger elevators in the west end of the building or the high-speed passenger elevator in the east end of the building. Residents will push only one button to signal the elevators for service. They should not push both the high-speed passenger elevator button and the slow-speed freight elevator button to signal for passenger service. Residents should not push any elevator button and hold it. They should not push both the up and down buttons. Our elevators are programmed to answer the signal when buttons are pushed. Lack of consideration on the part of residents in operating elevators causes breakdowns, delays the use of any elevator by other residents, causes two or three elevators to answer one call, and greatly increases electricity and maintenance costs. The names of violators will be turned in to the Manager, and infractions will be dealt with by the Board of Directors. Do not block elevator doors open in order to hold a car as an alarm sounds after a short delay calling building personnel to the scene. Such holding action is also discourteous to other residents. Also, do not manually attempt to force doors open.

This is a smoke free building and state law prohibits smoking or the carrying of lighted cigars, cigarettes, or pipes on elevators. Receptacles are available for disposing of lighted tobacco at the entrance to each elevator; they are not for any other purpose.

In the event of a fire DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.

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All notices to be posted on any and all bulletin boards must be approved by the Manager's Office. Unauthorized notices will be removed. All notices will be posted by the Manager' Office.

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These rooms are to be utilized only for the purpose of which they are intended. The exercise rooms are intended to be used only for physical exercise with the apparatus provided and such other exercises as may be logically included in a program of physical fitness. For the health, safety, and welfare of all residents, children under the age of 14 years are not allowed to utilize the exercise rooms without direct adult supervision at all times. Use of the exercise rooms and the equipment therein is at the user's own risk.

Playa del Mar Association will not be responsible for injuries resulting from the use thereof.

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The billiard room is intended to be used solely for the purpose of playing the game of billiards in its various forms. The participants are requested to adhere to the normal rules of courtesy in regard to such games. Any use of the equipment except for playing the game of billiards is strictly prohibited, and anyone misusing or abusing the equipment will be asked to leave the billiard room.

Individuals utilizing the billiard room are also requested to be courteous of the rights of other persons who also use the equipment and to allow other individuals who are waiting to utilize the same within a reasonable period of time. For the health, safety, and welfare of all individuals, only adults and juveniles - under 18 years of age - under adult supervision at all times - are allowed to use the billiard room; and the unit Owner involved shall be financially responsible for damages (see PROPERTY DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY). Owners and Lessees must sign for the billiard room equipment at the Lobby Security Desk.

At no time shall any individual be permitted to eat or drink (alcoholic or non- alcoholic beverages) within the confines of the billiard room.

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The card rooms are designed solely for the purpose of playing card games, chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, Parcheesi, Monopoly, Mahjong, and other sedentary games as may be in the same categories as those games listed. Anyone utilizing the card rooms for purposes other than described above shall be requested to leave if such activity interferes with the intended use.

At no time shall any individual be permitted to eat or drink (alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages) within the confines of the card room.

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The TV / Movie Room is intended to be used solely for the purpose of watching TV / Movies. Residents are requested to adhere to the normal rules of courtesy.

Guests are allowed if seating permits, Unit owners have seating priority over guests.

Any use of the equipment by residents is strictly prohibited without prior approval, in writing, from the Board of Directors.

Individuals utilizing the TV / Movie Room are also requested to be courteous of the rights of other persons who are watching the TV / Movie.

For the health, safety, and welfare of all individuals, adults and juveniles (under 18 years of age), under adult supervision, are allowed to use the TV / Movie Room.

Damages: the unit Owner involved shall be financially responsible for damages (see PROPERTY DAMAGE RESPONSIBILITY).

At no time shall any individual be permitted to smoke, eat or drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages) within the confines of the TV / Movie Room.

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Any Playa del Mar security guard or the pool attendant has the authority to ask anyone to leave the area who does not comply with the rules set forth herein or as publicly posted. The Rules governing this section are as follows:

1. It is against the Board of Health Regulations for anyone with an infection to enter the pool. Anyone with a skin, ear, or other infection cannot use the pool.

2. A SHOWER IS REQUIRED AT THE POOL AREA BEFORE ENTERING THE POOL. Anyone who leaves the area and returns must shower again before reentering the pool.

3. All suntan oils, creams, and other lotions must be removed by showering before entering the pool.

4. When using patio furniture in bathing attire, underlying toweling must always be used in order to keep the surfaces clean for the next user.

5. Cut-offs and "T" shirts are not permissible; only conventional bathing attire is permitted. Rest rooms should be used for changing swimming attire.

6. Chaise lounges and tables shall not be reserved over long periods of non- use by placing towels or other articles on them.

7. No objects of any kind - including rafts, floats, flippers, snorkels, masks, toys, etc. - are permitted in the swimming pool except swimming goggles and float aids that are attached to the bather's body. Plastic play pools are not permitted on the promenade deck or the pool area level.

8. Running, jumping, and playing games around the pool and promenade areas are prohibited.

9. NO EATING - No food, drink, gum, bottles, metal or glass containers of any kind are to be taken to the swimming pool or promenade deck. EXCEPT - within 25' of the Barbecue Grills on the promenade deck.

10. BARBECUE GRILLS - For safety, Security must be notified prior to, and after the use of the Barbecue Grills, so they can turn the gas on and off. Residents are required to clean the Barbecue Grills, tables, chairs and all litter, after using the Barbecue (S).

11. No pets of any kind are allowed on the beach, in the swimming-pool area, or on the promenade/sun deck areas.

12. The swimming pool will be open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. During the winter months, October 1st, thru May 1st, the pool temperature will be maintained at 80 degrees, or as near as possible.

13. Residents/Guests using the swimming pool, promenade, or beach areas are required to do so in a manner considerate of others. Obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated.

14. The use of loud playing radios, portable TV's, tape decks, etc. annoying other residents and guests will not be tolerated.

15. An Adult must be in the water, in the swimming pool, with children UNDER FOUR YEARS OF AGE.

16. Children who are not toilet trained must wear diapers with protective rubber pants over the diaper.

17. Chairs, tables, and chaise lounges in the swimming pool area may not be taken to the promenade deck or to the beach area. Chaise lounges and other furniture on the promenade deck may not be taken to the swimming pool or to the beach areas.

18. The beach area (down to the line 50' west of the mean high water line) is part of the Playa del Mar Condominium property and is subject to all rules pertaining to guest, Owner, or visitor usage as any other area belonging to the Association.

19. Sand and tar must be removed from the feet when leaving the beach area. Mineral spirits, paper toweling, and running water are provided for the removal of tar.

20. The swimming pool, beach, and promenade/sun deck areas must be left in a clean condition for the mutual benefit of all residents.

21. Feeding of seagulls, snipes, or pigeons on the beach, promenade and pool decks and apartment balconies is prohibited.

22. No chairs, lounges, or tables are permitted within four feet of the coping outlining the pool.

23. No diving or jumping into the pool is allowed. This is a safety requirement for pools less then eight feet deep.

24. No inflatable of any description or motors for use with inflatable may be stored in the garage or any other COMMON PROPERTY areas. Launching of motorized inflatable from the beach is prohibited by law.

25. Beach chairs, rafts, and other beach paraphernalia normally stored on the racks in the garage, that are provided for this purpose, should be replaced on the racks after use and NOT carelessly thrown on the floor. Above items must be identified with the owners name and unit number.

26. Umbrellas must be left closed on windy days, as determined by the pool attendant or security.

27. Beach volley ball may only be played North of the Barbecues.

The beach area or beach as utilized in these Rules and Regulations is defined to mean that property owned by the Condominium - which property ends 50 feet west of the mean high-water line.

The Playa del Mar Association, Inc. will not be responsible for injuries or drowning sustained in or about the swimming pool, promenade, sun deck, or the beach and beach area (see above paragraph - also see CHILDREN AND THEIR ACTIVITIES).

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The Manager's Office must be notified at least one week in advance of moving in or out of the building so as to prevent conflict in the scheduling of the use of the elevators and security personnel.

When reserving an elevator for your move, you must pay a deposit of $150 in the Manager's Office to cover possible damage to elevator padding and carpet. Deposit will be returned after above requirements have been satisfactorily completed.

On moving day you must;
1. Return all DOM security keys to the office.
2. Return all overhead garage-door operators to the office (if they were obtained from the office).
3. Have the security staff remove the bumper identification sticker(s) from your vehicle(s).

These rules apply also to those residents who do their own moving.

Moving furniture and/or personal belongings in and out of the building is restricted to the hours of 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Mondays through Fridays. Unloading of vans or trucks should not be initiated after 3:30 P.M. unless it can be terminated by 5 P.M.



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It is the responsibility of the resident to inform their service company or contractor of the Playa del Mar Contractor Rules as posted in the lower- garage security window.

Because you are responsible for any and all damage to the COMMON AREAS and for your own protection inside your apartment, we suggest you request a "Certificate of Insurance" from your contractor or service company. Make sure they have Liability and Workmen's Compensation Insurance and also a current Broward County or Fort Lauderdale license.

Owners and Lessees are responsible to ensure that service companies and outside contractors do not discard refuse in Association dumpsters or trash receptacles at any time.

The Manager's Office will be glad to assist you.

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Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239