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Coffee withthe Manager

Playa del Mar Manager Tania Gonzalez
Tania Gonzalez

February 2013

February 20, 2013 - Our property manager Tania Gonzalez hosted a Coffee with the Manager meeting on Wednesday, February 20 in the Ocean Lounge. Several topics were discussed (The following summary was prepared by PDM Treasurer Fred Nesbitt, who attended the meeting).

Cooling Tower Repairs

Playa del Mar Pool Roof
Playa del Mar Roof
The manager stated that all work on the cooling towers is completed - and there are plans for yearly preventive maintenance on all the pipes, concrete and steel beams supporting the cooling towers. These will be monitored ongoing - and spot repairs made as necessary. Tania also announced plans to reseal the pavers on the front driveway.

Managerial Miscellany

Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Other items were discussed by owners: The pool heater is set at 86 degrees - and if there is a problem with the pool heaters, it will be posted on channel 92, the in-house TV channel. The garages have been repaired for major leaks - and as new leaks develop, spot repairs will be made. No plan is currently in place to deal with the balcony rails, but suggestions were offered that seem promising and the manager will follow-up. It was suggested that all units should have hurricane impact windows - such a requirement would have to be approved by a majority of the owners.

Risers & Restoration

Wifi at Pool The condition of the air conditioning pipes (called risers) was noted and the 2013 budget provides funds to begin replacing these risers over the next few years, with some stacks replaced this year. We are still awaiting the cost proposals from two firms. Wi-Fi was suggested for around the pool. Concrete restoration of the building is still being planned - there are a couple of legal hang-ups that need to be resolved before the actual work can begin and these are expected to be resolved in the next few days.

Checking Checks

Playa del Mar Treasurer Fred Nesbitt
Fred Nesbitt
The PDM Treasurer Fred Nesbitt responded to a question about how association bills are paid and who signs the checks. All bills are reviewed by five people: assistant manager, manager, accountant, and two board members (who sign the checks). Four board members are authorized to sign checks - so that if one or more is not available, there are others who can sign.

Provider Probe

We have changed natural gas providers after finding we are paying much higher gas rates that the going rate and are expected to save $700 per month on our $25,000 yearly gas bill. The board has approved doing a utility audit to see if we are due any refunds from past overcharges. The annual audit for 2012 is nearly complete - and once available, all owners will receive written notification by post card they can receive a free copy of the audit.

Monthly Cup of Java!

Coffee with the Manager occurs regularly - as a way of communicating with owners and allowing them to ask questions and get answers.

by Manager Tania Gonzalez &
the PDM Board of Directors

November 2012

November 28, 2012 - Our property manager Tania Gonzalez hosted a Coffee with the Manager meeting on Wednesday, November 28 in the Ocean Lounge. Several topics were discussed (The following summary was prepared by PDM Treasurer Fred Nesbitt, who attended the meeting).

Flooded Unit Wreaks Havoc

There was a flood in an apartment that affected 10 other apartments, four floors, and the Ocean Lounge. The break occurred during the night - and was seen on a security camera by our security personnel on duty. Construction was being done in the apartment. The manager stressed that is why the office is so strict on making sure all contractors have insurance and are licensed before doing work in the building. Our insurance adjustor has estimated the damages to the common areas.

Cooling Towers Progress

Playa del Mar Pool Roof
Playa del Mar Roof
Work has been completed on the two towers on the main wing of the building - and now the final work will begin on the south wing cooling tower. We still need to replace two valves on the main wing tower - which will mean a very short shut-down for a few hours.

Kitson Cleanup

Click Here to Kitson Partners Galt Ocean Marketplace Website Click Here to Kitson Partners Website Fred Nesbitt spoke with the management company responsible for the shopping center across the street. They have promised to keep the area cleaner and will be making improvements. They also promised that the backs of the shops that face Playa del Mar will not resemble an alley way - but will be like the front of the shops --- so we don't have to look at trash, laundry hung on bushes or four-legged animals running around under the bushes.

A1A Nears Completion

Click Here to FDOT A1A Resurfacing Project Website Click Here to FDOT A1A Resurfacing Project Website The A1A resurfacing is nearing completion - they have started blacktopping the surfaces and plan to finish in December when they stripe the road from three lane into two lanes for traffic and a bicycle lane

Monthly Cup of Java!

Coffee with the Manager occurs regularly - as a way of communicating with owners and allowing them to ask questions and get answers.

by Manager Tania Gonzalez &
the PDM Board of Directors

July 2012

July 25, 2012 - Coffee with the Manager was held on Wednesday, July 25 with Tania Gonzalez, our building manager. Several questions were raised by the residents in attendance. The following summary was prepared by PDM Treasurer Fred Nesbitt, who attended the meeting.

Balcony Floor Resurfacing

Click Here  Palm Beach Resurfacing Artists Website
Playa del Mar Balcony Floor Resurfacing
Balcony Floor Resurfacing
Balcony floor resurfacing has begun - several balconies are completed and the overall response has been very positive. The biggest compliment is that the new floors are easy to mop and clean. The office is working on the list of owners who signed up to have their balcony floor refinished - it takes two days and the company can do about 4 balconies a day. If you have not signed up, it is not too late: large balconies cost owners $395 and small balconies cost $285. Checks should be made payable to Palm Beach Resurfacing and given to the management office. All resurfacing has a five-year warranty on the work.

Concrete Restoration

Playa del Mar Pool Roof
Playa del Mar Roof
Concrete restoration of the building is moving along - we hope to have a contract signed by the end of July and work to begin in August. Building permits from the city could delay the work. The first priority will be the concrete work that supports the cooling towers on the main roof.

Balcony Rails

Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Balcony rails that are peeling paint have not been resolved as to a solution. The board is still looking at various solutions to patch the peeling paint - wanting to make sure they have the right solution.

Building Security

Building security was discussed as it relates to visitors. The procedure recommended by our new security company and agreed to by the board is to require all visitors to show picture identification to enter the building, unless accompanied by an owner. If the visitor's name is on a guest list, apartment list of visitors or name is given to the front desk prior to the visit, then the guest is directed to the apartment. If the visitor is not on the list at the front desk and the owner wants the guest directed to the apartment, the picture identification will be scanned into a computer. Several owners at the meeting supported this security procedure, stating it was appropriate to keep our building safe, not intrusive, and similar to other buildings on the Galt and elsewhere. One owner complimented the building employees - guards, maintenance and housekeeping - on how friendly and helpful they are to residents.

Monthly Cup of Java!

For those not in residence, the weather is great - 80 degrees and beautiful. Hope to see you here soon.

by Manager Tania Gonzalez &
the PDM Board of Directors

March 2012

March 21, 2012 - Informational summary "Coffee with the Manager" on March 21, 2012.

Issues and Ideas

Several issues and ideas were discussed. One idea was to have some type of emergency phone in the garages that residents could use to connect with the security desk in case of a forgotten key or an emergency. Discussion was also centered on having floor leaders or people responsible to keep an eye out for our neighbors to help ensure their safety - especially those who have health issues, since some residents have no near-by family. An emergency contact list and those with disabilities are maintained by the management office and updated on a regular basis.


Board Secretary Carolyn Kervin
Carolyn Kervin
Playa del Mar Pool Deck
Playa del Mar Pool Deck
Board Secretary Carolyn Kervin described some planting that will be done on the pool deck and north courtyard (notice the new name?) to add some color and greenery to both these areas. In any plans for the future, these plants will be incorporated into those revisions.


Playa del Mar Cascading Water Feature
PDM Cascading Water Feature
The front waterfalls are being evaluated for repairs as structural damages have been identified - the stones over which the water runs are deteriorating; the bottom surface of the fountains is coming up, and water has gotten behind the stone walls and caused damage to the basic structure. The blocks over which the water cascades down are breaking apart. The fountains are 12 years old.


Board Treasurer Fred Nesbitt announced that the 2011 PDM Audit is now available to all owners. Anyone wishing to obtain a free copy may contact the management office or email marcondo@bellsouth.net for a copy. Monthly financial statements of PDM's finances will be posted on the mail room bulletin board - a copy of the latest summary is attached to this email as a pdf. The report shows that we are currently running a surplus in our budget.

Monthly Cup of Java!

For those not in residence, the weather is great - 80 degrees and beautiful. Hope to see you here soon.

by Manager Tania Gonzalez &
the PDM Board of Directors

October 2011

October 26, 2011 - Informational summary "Coffee with the Manager" on October 26, 2011.

Balcony Floor Replacements

Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Playa del Mar Balcony Railing
Playa del Mar Balcony Floor Replacements
Balcony Floor Replacements
Enough residents have signed up to have their balcony floors replaced (needed 50). However, no balcony floor can be completed until the issue of responsibility for the peeling paint on the balcony rails is settled.

Pool Deck

Playa del Mar Pool Deck
Playa del Mar Pool Deck
Many owners present (and by email) complained about the condition of the pool deck - especially how bad it looks since being painted (paint is peeling and holds water that turns into mold), the furniture, and sparseness. All the older pool furniture (on the Promenade Deck) has been repainted and some of it will be moved to the pool deck. Some greenery (that was planned for the North Deck) will be moved to the pool deck. The new Decorating/Landscape Committee will look at options for improving the pool deck and dealing with the cracks under the deck. No action will be taken without an overall plan and owners? input into the final decision.

Building Concrete Restoration

The board will approve a contractor to start the concrete restoration on the outside of the building. It is estimated the project will take between 20-30 weeks (yes, scaffolding and work around our building). This is the first priority of the board. Almost daily, we find new cracks or more water damage.

Hall Carpet

The question was raised about replacing the hallway carpet. It is in the five year plan for the building, but other pressing issues (concrete restoration, cement cracks and the 40-year inspections) will take priority.

Click Here 40-Year Safety Inspection Program 40-Year Inspection

The board plans to have an engineer review the 40-year inspection requirements and complete the upgrade to pass the inspection prior to receiving notice of the actual inspection. That way the building can be repaired over the next three years - and not under the pressure of a failed inspection.

Monthly Cup of Java!

Coffee with the Manager will occur monthly - as a way of communicating with owners and allowing them to ask questions and get answers.

by Manager Tania Gonzalez &
the PDM Board of Directors

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Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239